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时间:2021-08-08    点击: 次    来源:网络    添加者:佚名 - 小 + 大




其实当时在农村划分成分,虽然原则上说地主不参加劳动,全靠收租过日子的,实际操作起来,地主、中农、贫农主要就是以家庭人均土地划分的,不看家里钱财的,不参加劳动的地主几乎没有,游手好闲的就根本做不了地主,地主肩负的责任重大,地主肩上的压力挺重的,谁家自己有地不种啊,毕竟种地也是一门谋生的路子,被划分为贫农的,家里不一定就清贫。 给地主做长工,管吃住后,一年还要给两担谷子。一般做长工的,都是家里地不够全家人种,有剩余劳动力的,没有成家的光棍。很多光棍给地主做几年长工,家里谷物充足了,就回家娶妻生子了,不去做长工了。地主其实很苦很累的,地多靠人力,雇人要给钱,为了节省,只有自己努力干了


很多被划分为地主家庭的,大多只有一个老婆的,由于只有一个老婆,生的孩子少,家庭人口少,人均土地就多,所以沦为地主,结果被一些划分为贫农的欺负了批斗了至少两代人。有些土地少的地方,家家户户土地都不多,但当时土改,农会工作人员如果不弄几个地主出来,没法组织农民斗地主,就会没事做,于是就把那些土地稍微比当地平均土地多点划分为地主,这样就也有地主斗了。 还有当时划分地主有硬性指标,地主的指标必须在5%以上。 有些贫农翻身比地主还狠,高高在上,不但不种地,还天天组织批斗别人。有些贫农以前可能还是主子,因为会混世,又摇身一变成贫农了,又成了批斗地主的主子;有些贫农,本来原来家境比较好,由于游手好闲,吃喝嫖赌,把家吃穷 了,后来还卖光了土地,卖光了家产,周围的人称他们是败家子,这样的也被评为贫农,还分得地主家产,又是苦尽甜来,过上幸福日子。





There is a villager who was rated as a poor peasant during the land reform. This is also considered a poor peasant family, but he actually married 5 wives. It really looks like a group of wives and concubines. Every wives also gave birth to children. When he was alive, how many wives Are still there. Since it is a poor peasant, it means that the family must be poor. Doesn't it cost money to marry a wife? There is also a middle peasant who has two wives. After the middle peasant died, the two wives were still there. Each wife gave birth to a son. Later, the small wife took his adult son out to get married.

I also heard that this poor peasant’s family used to open a tailor’s shop to help people make clothes and made some money, so he had some money to marry a few wives. Many lands, but on average, the land per capita is less. It is natural to be rated as a poor peasant. Poor peasants are not necessarily poor, but the land per capita is slightly less. The policy of our party was to unite with the majority and isolate the minority. At that time, the poor peasants were the main targets of unity and the main members of the struggle against landlords. If a family with a large number of people is not a poor peasant, it is difficult to carry out mass struggles. If this family is classified as the object of struggle, then the minority will be used to fight against the majority. In this way, the struggle meeting will be difficult to carry out, which is to lead the adjustment of civil conflicts. , It also tends to stand on the side of a large number of people, otherwise it will be passive. In the past, the division of landlords, middle peasants, and poor peasants was mainly based on the amount of land owned per capita. Many of those who were classified as landlords also farmed their own land. In fact, they rented out the land and collected rent after all. If you go out, you must have less income. Many landlords also go to work, do business, and make crafts to make money during the slack season. In fact, at that time, owning land was responsible for social responsibility. The landlord’s burden was very heavy, and the government had to pay a lot of taxes. It was necessary to pay the public grain every year. The landlord doesn't just rent out the land and everything is fine, but he still has to worry a lot. Landlords with a slightly larger family business still have to hire people to do housework, grind noodles, herd cattle, and raise pigs, and they spend a lot of money a year. Some people can also sell the grass to the landlord. At that time, labor was actually very valuable. In order to make more money, some landlords also opened opium shops, chess and card shops, and mahjong shops. For example, the big landlord Liu Wencai opened a big smoke shop.

China has always been agriculture-oriented, land income is also an important pillar of the country, and agricultural taxes account for the highest proportion of all taxes. Taxes are collected according to the number of acres, that is, the more fields you occupy, the more taxes you will collect. That is, after China’s household contracted production in the 1980s, the government’s source of income mainly relied on agricultural taxes paid by farmers and various public burdens (called withdrawals in some places). The main sources of wages for teachers, private teachers, and government staff were From the countryside, when Hu Jintao was in power, with the development of enterprises, the increase in industrial taxation and the increase of farmers’ out-of-home labor, the agricultural tax and the burden of farmers were abolished, and farming subsidies were given.

In fact, in the rural areas at that time, although in principle it was said that landlords did not participate in labor, they depended on rent collection to live their lives. In practice, landlords, middle peasants, and poor peasants were mainly divided by the per capita land of the family. Almost nothing. The idlers cannot be landlords at all. The responsibility of the landlord is heavy, and the pressure on the shoulders of the landlord is quite heavy. Whoever owns the land does not grow it. After all, farming is also a way of making a living and is classified as poor peasantry. , The family is not necessarily poor. After doing a long-term job for the landlord, after taking care of food and housing, he would also give two loads of grains a year. Generally, those who do long-term jobs have not enough land for the whole family to grow, and have surplus labor, and there are no bachelors who have a family. Many bachelors have worked for the landlord for a few years as long-term labor. When the family has enough grain, they go home to marry a wife and have children instead of doing long-term labor.

         Landlords are not born landlords, most of them come by hard work. For example, during the Northern Expedition, the Soviet Union provided a lot of financial aid. At that time, an ordinary soldier in the Northern Expedition could get a salary of more than ten yuan a month, and a colonel could get a salary of 230 yuan. This was very high at the time. At that time, the price per mu of land in Henan was only 13 yuan. After two years of soldiers in the Northern Expedition, they could buy a house and land when they returned home. If you are an officer, you will be a landlord when you return as a soldier for two years, so people are vying to join the Northern Expedition. When the national army was defeated, there were still farmers with little land that were still making money to buy land to support their families. They just bought land and were liberated not long after they were also named landlords.

Many are classified as landlord families, most of them have only one wife. Because they have only one wife, have fewer children, have a small family size, and have a lot of land per capita, they become landlords. As a result, they are bullied and criticized by some who are classified as poor peasants. Two generations. In some places where land is scarce, every household has not much land, but at that time, if the staff of the peasant association didn’t get a few landlords out and couldn’t organize peasants to fight against the landlords, they would have nothing to do. So the land was slightly higher than the average local land. Divide multiple points into landlords, so that there are also landlords fighting. At that time, there was a rigid index for the division of landlords, and the index for landlords must be above 5%. Some poor peasants are even more ruthless than the landlords. Some poor peasants may have been the masters before, because they were mixed, they became poor peasants again, and became masters of the landlords. Some poor peasants were originally from better families, but because they were idle, eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, they made their home poor, and later sold them. The land was sold out, the family properties were sold out, and the people around them called them prodigal sons. They were also rated as poor peasants, and they were also given the landlord’s property.


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