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时间:2022-07-07    点击: 次    来源:网络    添加者:佚名 - 小 + 大





       自行车的齿轮和轴,是靠键支撑的,键下面有个弹片,平时不注意保养,或者放在潮湿的地方,弹片生锈,弹片被卡,弹片弹不起来,造成键凸不起来,键面无法在轴面上凸起,齿轮带不动轴承转动后轮,当链条带动后齿轮旋转的时候,只是齿轮旋转,车轮的轴却没有转动,这样就造成空转,就好像闸门手轮和轴套之间靠键支撑的一样,键弹不起来,手轮带不动轴套转动,手轮转动,闸门丝扣不见动静,这样的手轮转动就是空转。 在弹片和键,锈蚀轻微的时候,有时齿轮能卡到键上,齿轮转动的时候能上劲,带动车轮转动,有时弹片弹不起来,齿轮卡不到键上,吃不上劲,造成空转,骑车脚踏板的时候,时而空转,时而不空转,行车非常焦心




When riding a bicycle, pedal with your foot, and see that the chain drives the front gear and the rear gear, both of which are rotating, but the wheels do not rotate, and the car cannot move forward. This phenomenon is the idling of the bicycle. How does the idling of the bicycle cause what about?
       The gears and shafts of the bicycle are supported by the keys. There is a shrapnel under the key. If you don't pay attention to maintenance, or put it in a humid place, the shrapnel will rust, the shrapnel will be stuck, the shrapnel will not bounce, the key will not protrude, and the key surface will not rise. Parallel to the shaft surface, the gear does not move the bearing to rotate the rear wheel. When the chain drives the rear gear to rotate, only the gear rotates, but the axle of the wheel does not rotate, which causes idling, as if the gate handwheel and the shaft sleeve are closed. The key support is the same, the key can not be played, the hand wheel can not rotate with the shaft sleeve, and the hand wheel is idling.

Solution to idling: between the rear gear and the axle of the bicycle, apply butter or drip oil to lubricate and clean the key and the shrapnel below. When the key and the shrapnel are lubricated and cleaned, the shrapnel bounces, the key protrudes, the gear and the shaft, in the key Under the support, when the foot is stepped on, the chain drives the gear to rotate, and the gear drives the rear axle to rotate, thereby driving the bicycle wheel to rotate and the bicycle to move forward. If the bearing is seriously damaged, the marble inside falls off, the shrapnel loses its elasticity, the key is severely corroded, and there is idling, it is necessary to consider replacing the bearing.




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